407 E 2nd Ave Ste 250 Spokane WA 99202 | (509) 315-9776



Does your child struggle at school with building healthy relationships with other students or school staff? Maybe they have a difficult time concentrating or dealing with negative emotions in a healthy way and it gets in the way of their learning. Does your child struggle at home with building a healthy and happy bond with family members? Maybe it feels like you don’t really know your child or how to help them. Theraplay® is a great therapeutic intervention using a child and family therapy approach, aiming to address behavioral, emotional, and/or developmental struggles and enhance the parent child relationship through healthy and playful interactions. Theraplay® is also a sensory based model that can also help children who have language delays, developmental disorders, or are extremely shy.

Theraplay® can treat:
  • Attachment Disorders
  • Behavioral/emotional struggles (conduct, ODD, aggressive behavior)
  • Social interaction disorders (social anxiety, internalizing)
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorders (receptive language delay)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • ADHD
  • PTSD

Core Concepts from the Theraplay® Institute

Theraplay employs the lively, joyful play of parent and young child that is critical to the formation of secure attachment. Early experiences of high levels of positive affect co-regulated with an attuned caregiver are related to the development of connectedness and empathy and to the ability to self-regulate high affec